Reply to Comment on Sensitivity of $(d,p)$ reactions to high $n$-$p$ momenta and the consequences for nuclear spectroscopy studies

Abstract in English

We point out that after presenting our results on high $n$-$p$ momentum sensitivity of the $(d,p)$ cross sections in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 162502 (2016)] the last paragraph of our Letter refers to a need of going beyond the leading order of Weinberg state treatment. This task could be achieved by using any method that can provide exact solution of the three-body problem. Deltuva [arXiv:1806.00298] uses Faddeev equations to study the NN-model dependence of the $(d,p)$ cross sections. His results are consistent with a new study performed at Surrey which is undergoing a reviewing process at Physical Review C. Both studies discuss the $n$-$p$ sensitivity within three-body $n+p+A$ models with $NN$-independent $N$-$A$ optical potentials. The sensitivity may reappear in many-body treatment of $(d,p)$ reactions, for example, due to the threshold position dependence.
