Topological Materials Discovery By Large-order symmetry indicators

Abstract in English

Crystalline symmetries play an important role in the classification of band structures, and the rich variety of spatial symmetries in solids leads to various topological crystalline phases (TCPs). However, compared with topological insulators and Dirac/Weyl semimetals, relatively few realistic materials candidates have been proposed for TCPs. Based on our recently developed method for the efficient discovery of topological materials using symmetry indicators, we explore topological materials in five space groups (i.e. SGs87,140,221,191,194), which are indexed by large order strong symmetry based indicators (Z8 and Z12) allowing for the realization of several kinds of gapless boundary states in a single compound. We predict many TCPs, and the representative materials include: Pt3Ge(SG140), graphite(SG194), XPt3 (SG221,X=Sn,Pb), Au4Ti (SG87) and Ti2Sn (SG194). As by-products, we also find that AgXF3 (SG140,X=Rb,Cs) and AgAsX (SG194,X=Sr,Ba) are good Dirac semimetals with clean Fermi surface. The proposed materials provide a good platform to study the novel properties emerging from the interplay between different types of boundary states.
