Core electron binding energies of adsorbates on Cu(111) from first-principles calculations

Abstract in English

Core-level X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) is often used to study the surfaces of heterogeneous copper-based catalysts, but the interpretation of measured spectra, in particular the assignment of peaks to adsorbed species, can be extremely challenging. In this study we demonstrate that first principles calculations using the delta Self Consistent Field (delta-SCF) method can be used to guide the analysis of experimental core-level spectra of complex surfaces relevant to heterogeneous catalysis. Specifically, we calculate core-level binding energy shifts for a series of adsorbates on Cu(111) and show that the resulting C1s and O1s binding energy shifts for adsorbed CO, CO2, C2H4, HCOO, CH3O, H2O, OH and a surface oxide on Cu(111) are in good overall agreement with the experimental literature. In the few cases where the agreement is less good, the theoretical results may indicate the need to re-examine experimental peak assignments.
