Conformal field theory for annulus SLE: partition functions and martingale-observables

Abstract in English

We implement a version of conformal field theory in a doubly connected domain to connect it to the theory of annulus SLE of various types, including the standard annulus SLE, the reversible annulus SLE, and the annulus SLE with several force points. This implementation considers the statistical fields generated under the OPE multiplication by the Gaussian free field and its central/background charge modifications with a weighted combination of Dirichlet and excursion-reflected boundary conditions. We derive the Eguchi-Ooguri version of Wards equations and Belavin-Polyakov-Zamolodchikov equations for those statistical fields and use them to show that the correlations of fields in the OPE family under the insertion of the one-leg operators are martingale-observables for variants of annulus SLEs. We find Coulomb gas (Dotsenko-Fateev integral) solutions to the parabolic partial differential equations for partition functions of conformal field theory for the reversible annulus SLE.
