On-chip optical isolator and nonreciprocal parity-time symmetry induced by stimulated Brillouin scattering

Abstract in English

Realization of chip-scale nonreciprocal optics such as isolators and circulators is highly demanding for all-optical signal routing and protection with standard photonics foundry process. Owing to the significant challenge for incorporating magneto-optical materials on chip, the exploration of magnetic-free alternatives has become exceedingly imperative in integrated photonics. Here, we demonstrate a chip-based, tunable all-optical isolator at the telecommunication band based upon bulk stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in a high-Q silica microtoroid resonator. This device exhibits remarkable characteristics over most state-of-the-art implements, including high isolation ratio, no insertion loss, and large working power range. Thanks to the guided acoustic wave and accompanying momentum-conservation condition, SBS also enables us to realize the first nonreciprocal parity-time symmetry in two directly-coupled microresonators. The breach of time-reversal symmetry further makes the design a versatile arena for developing many formidable ultra-compact devices such as unidirectional single-mode Brillouin lasers and supersensitive photonic sensors.
