Evolution of Starburst Galaxies in the Illustris Simulation

Abstract in English

There is a consensus in the literature that starburst galaxies are triggered by inter- action events. However, it remains an open question as to what extent both merging and non-merging interactions have in triggering starbursts? In this study, we make use of the Illustris simulation to test how different triggering mechanisms can effect starburst events. We examine star formation rate, colour and environment of starburst galaxies to determine if this could be why we witness a bimodality in post-starburst populations within observational studies. Further, we briefly test the extent of quenching due to AGN feedback. From Illustris, we select 196 starburst galaxies at z = 0.15 and split them into post-merger and pre-merger/harassment driven starburst samples. We find that 55% of this sample not undergone a merger in the past 2 Gyr. Both of our samples are located in low-density environments within the filament regions of the cosmic web, however we find that pre-merger/harassment driven starburst are in higher density environments than post-merger driven starbursts. We also find that pre-merger/harassment starbursts are redder than post-merger starbursts, this could be driven by environmental effects. Both however, produce nuclear starbursts of comparable strengths.
