Instability of the Proca field on Kerr spacetime

Abstract in English

A massive vector boson field in the vicinity of a rotating black hole is known to suffer an instability, due to the exponential amplification of (co-rotating, low-frequency) bound states by black hole superradiance. Here we calculate the bound state spectrum by exploiting the separation of variables recently achieved by Frolov, Krtous, Kubiznak and Santos (FKKS) for the Proca field on Kerr-(A)dS-NUT spacetimes of arbitrary dimension. Restricting to the 4D Kerr case, we first establish the relationship between the FKKS and Teukolsky variables in the massless case; obtain exact results for the angular eigenvalues in the marginally-bound case; and present a spectral method for solving the angular equation in the general case. We demonstrate that all three physical polarizations can be recovered from the FKKS ansatz, resolving an open question. We present numerical results for the instability growth rate for a selection of modes of all three polarizations, and discuss physical implications.
