Research Challenges in Nextgen Service Orchestration

Abstract in English

Fog/edge computing, function as a service, and programmable infrastructures, like software-defined networking or network function virtualisation, are becoming ubiquitously used in modern Information Technology infrastructures. These technologies change the characteristics and capabilities of the underlying computational substrate where services run (e.g. higher volatility, scarcer computational power, or programmability). As a consequence, the nature of the services that can be run on them changes too (smaller codebases, more fragmented state, etc.). These changes bring new requirements for service orchestrators, which need to evolve so as to support new scenarios where a close interaction between service and infrastructure becomes essential to deliver a seamless user experience. Here, we present the challenges brought forward by this new breed of technologies and where current orchestration techniques stand with regards to the new challenges. We also present a set of promising technologies that can help tame this brave new world.
