Mass Modeling of Frontier Fields Cluster MACS J1149.5+2223 Using Strong and Weak Lensing

Abstract in English

We present a gravitational lensing model of MACS J1149.5+2223 using ultra-deep Hubble Frontier Fields imaging data and spectroscopic redshifts from HST grism and VLT/MUSE spectroscopic data. We create total mass maps using 38 multiple images (13 sources) and 608 weak lensing galaxies, as well as 100 multiple images of 31 star-forming regions in the galaxy that hosts Supernova Refsdal. We find good agreement with a range of recent models within the HST field of view. We present a map of the ratio of projected stellar mass to total mass ($f_{star}$), and find that the stellar mass fraction for this cluster peaks on the primary BCG. Averaging within a radius of 0.3 Mpc, we obtain a value of $langle f_{star} rangle = 0.012^{+0.004}_{-0.003}$, consistent with other recent results for this ratio in cluster environments, though with a large global error (up to $delta f_{star} = 0.005$) primarily due to the choice of an IMF. We compare values of $f_{star}$ and measures of star formation efficiency for this cluster to other Hubble Frontier Fields clusters studied in the literature, finding that MACS1149 has a higher stellar mass fraction than these other clusters, but a star formation efficiency typical of massive clusters.
