Electronics and DAQ for the CHIPS Experiment

Abstract in English

CHIPS (CHerenkov detectors In mine PitS ) is a novel neutrino detector concept, aimed at building megaton water-Cherenkov neutrino detectors in a flexible and cheap way, while yielding science results comparable and contributing to conventional long-baseline neutrino experiments. In the summer of 2018, a 5 kiloton proof-of-principle detector will be installed in a disused water-filled mine pit located in the NuMI neutrino beamline path in Minnesota, USA. The submerged cylindrical detector volume is 25 meters in diameter and 10 meter tall and is surrounded by light-tight liners. All inside walls are covered with PMT holding structures. CHIPS will use thousands of 3-inch PMTs to detect neutrinos interacting in the high-purity water in the detector volume. The focus of the (poster) presentation at the NuPhys2017 conference was on DAQ and electronics for the CHIPS experiment.
