XENON1T Takes a Razor to a Dark $E_6$-Inspired Model

Abstract in English

Motivated by the recent result of XENON1T collaboration with full exposure, 279 life days, that sets the most stringent limit on the spin-independent dark matter-nucleon scattering cross section we discuss a dark $E_6$-inspired model that features the presence of a $U(1)_{d-u}$ gauge symmetry. The dark matter candidate is a Dirac fermion that interacts with Standard Model fermions via a massive Z that preserves the quantum number assignments of this symmetry. We compute the spin-independent scattering cross section off xenon nucleus and compare with the XENON1T limit; find the LHC bound on the Z mass as well as the projection sensitivity of high-energy and luminosity LHC; and derive the Fermi-LAT bounds on the dark matter annihilation cross section based on the observation of gamma-rays in the direction of Dwarf Spheroidal galaxies. We exploit the complementarity between these datasets to conclude that the new bound from XENON1T severely constrain the model, which combined with the LHC upgrade sensitivity rules out this WIMP realization setup below 5 TeV.
