Deuteron production from phase-space coalescence in the UrQMD approach

Abstract in English

UrQMD phase-space coalescence calculations for the production of deuterons are compared with available data for various reactions from the GSI/FAIR energy regime up to LHC. It is found that the production process of deuterons, as reflected in their rapidity and transverse momentum distributions in p+p, p+A and A+A collisions at a beam energies starting from the GSI energy regime around 1 AGeV and up to the LHC, are in good agreement with experimental data. We further explore the energy and centrality dependence of the d/p ratios. Finally, we discuss anti-deuteron production for selected systems. Overall, a good description of the experimental data is observed. The results are also compatible with thermal model estimates. Most importantly this good description is based only on a single set of coalescence parameters that is independent of energy system size and can also be applied for anti-deuterons.
