Spin-Hall magnetoresistance in a low-dimensional magnetic insulator

Abstract in English

We observe an unusual behavior of the spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) measured in a Pt ultra-thin film deposited on a ferromagnetic insulator, which is a tensile-strained LaCoO3 (LCO) thin film with the Curie temperature Tc=85K. The SMR displays a strong magnetic-field dependence below Tc, with the SMR amplitude continuing to increase (linearly) with increasing the field far beyond the saturation value of the ferromagnet. The SMR amplitude decreases gradually with raising the temperature across Tc and remains measurable even above Tc. Moreover, no hysteresis is observed in the field dependence of the SMR. These results indicate that a novel low-dimensional magnetic system forms on the surface of LCO and that the Pt/LCO interface decouples magnetically from the rest of the LCO thin film. To explain the experiment, we revisit the derivation of the SMR corrections and relate the spin-mixing conductances to the microscopic quantities describing the magnetism at the interface. Our results can be used as a technique to probe quantum magnetism on the surface of a magnetic insulator.
