Probing the origin of extragalactic magnetic fields with Fast Radio Bursts

Abstract in English

The joint analysis of the Dispersion and Faraday Rotation Measure from distant, polarised Fast Radio Bursts may be used to put constraints on the origin and distribution of extragalactic magnetic fields on cosmological scales. While the combination of Dispersion and Faraday Rotation Measure can in principle give the average magnetic fields along the line-of-sight, in practice this method must be used with care because it strongly depends on the assumed magnetisation model on large cosmological scales. Our simulations show that the observation of Rotation Measures with $geq 1-10 ~rm rad/m^2$ in $sim 10^2$ Fast Radio Bursts will be able to discriminate between extreme scenarios for the origin of cosmic magnetic fields, independent of the exact distribution of sources with redshift. This represent a strong case for incoming (e.g. ALERT, CHIME) and future (e.g. with the Square Kilometer Array) radio polarisation surveys of the sky.
