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Viscous fingering in the presence of weak disorder

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 Added by Eldad Bettelheim
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We consider the problem of viscous fingering in the presence of quenched disorder that is both weak and short-range correlated. The two point correlation function of the harmonic measure is calculated perturbatively, and is used in order to calculate the correction the the box-counting fractal dimension. We show that the disorder increases the fractal dimension, and that its effect decreases logarithmically with the size of the fractal.

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The growth dynamics of an air finger injected in a visco-elastic gel (a PVA/borax aqueous solution) is studied in a linear Hele-Shaw cell. Besides the standard Saffmann-Taylor instability, we observe - with increasing finger velocities - the existence of two new regimes: (a) a stick-slip regime for which the finger tip velocity oscillates between 2 different values, producing local pinching of the finger at regular intervals, (b) a ``tadpole regime where a fracture-type propagation is observed. A scaling argument is proposed to interpret the dependence of the stick-slip frequency with the measured rheological properties of the gel.
We studied dendritic side-branching mechanism in the experiment of anisotropic viscous fingering. We measured the time dependence of growth speed of side-branch and the envelop of side-branches. We found that the speed of side-branch gets to be faster than one of the stem and the growth exponent of the speed changes at a certain time. The envelope of side-branches is represented as Y ~ X^1.47.
188 - Si Suo , Mingchao Liu , 2019
Porous media with hierarchical structures are commonly encountered in both natural and synthetic materials, e.g., fractured rock formations, porous electrodes and fibrous materials, which generally consist of two or more distinguishable levels of pore structure with different characteristic lengths. The multiphase flow behaviours in hierarchical porous media have remained elusive. In this study, we investigate the influences of hierarchical structures in porous media on the dynamics of immiscible fingering during fluid-fluid displacement. By conducting a series of numerical simulations, we found that the immiscible fingering can be suppressed due to the existence of secondary porous structures. To characterise the fingering dynamics in hierarchical porous media, a phase diagram is constructed by introducing a scaling parameter, i.e., the ratio of time scales considering the combined effect of characteristic pore sizes and wettability. The findings present in this work provide a basis for further research on the application of hierarchical porous media for controlling immiscible fingerings.
We sandwich a colloidal gel between two parallel plates and induce a radial flow by lifting the upper plate at a constant velocity. Two distinct scenarios result from such a tensile test: ($i$) stable flows during which the gel undergoes a tensile deformation without yielding, and ($ii$) unstable flows characterized by the radial growth of air fingers into the gel. We show that the unstable regime occurs beyond a critical energy input, independent of the gels macroscopic yield stress. This implies a local fluidization of the gel at the tip of the growing fingers and results in the most unstable wavelength of the patterns exhibiting the characteristic scalings of the classical viscous fingering instability. Our work provides a quantitative criterion for the onset of fingering in colloidal gels based on a local shear-induced yielding, in agreement with the delayed failure framework.
In this paper, the interfacial motion between two immiscible viscous fluids in the confined geometry of a Hele-Shaw cell is studied. We consider the influence of a thin wetting film trailing behind the displaced fluid, which dynamically affects the pressure drop at the fluid-fluid interface by introducing a nonlinear dependence on the interfacial velocity. In this framework, two cases of interest are analyzed: The injection-driven flow (expanding evolution), and the lifting plate flow (shrinking evolution). In particular, we investigate the possibility of controlling the development of fingering instabilities in these two different Hele-Shaw setups when wetting effects are taken into account. By employing linear stability theory, we find the proper time-dependent injection rate $Q(t)$ and the time-dependent lifting speed ${dot b}(t)$ required to control the number of emerging fingers during the expanding and shrinking evolution, respectively. Our results indicate that the consideration of wetting leads to an increase in the magnitude of $Q(t)$ [and ${dot b}(t)$] in comparison to the non-wetting strategy. Moreover, a spectrally accurate boundary integral approach is utilized to examine the validity and effectiveness of the controlling protocols at the fully nonlinear regime of the dynamics and confirms that the proposed injection and lifting schemes are feasible strategies to prescribe the morphologies of the resulting patterns in the presence of the wetting film.
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