Recently Avis and Jordan have demonstrated the efficiency of a simple technique called budgeting for the parallelization of a number of tree search algorithms. The idea is to limit the amount of work that a processor performs before it terminates its search and returns any unexplored nodes to a master process. This limit is set by a critical budget parameter which determines the overhead of the process. In this paper we study the behaviour of the budget parameter on conditional Galton-Watson trees obtaining asymptotically tight bounds on this overhead. We present empirical results to show that this bound is surprisingly accurate in practice.
Data structures that allow efficient distance estimation (distance oracles, distance sketches, etc.) have been extensively studied, and are particularly well studied in centralized models and classical distributed models such as CONGEST. We initiate their study in newer (and arguably more realistic) models of distributed computation: the Congested Clique model and the Massively Parallel Computation (MPC) model. We provide efficient constructions in both of these models, but our core results are for MPC. In MPC we give two main results: an algorithm that constructs stretch/space optimal distance sketches but takes a (small) polynomial number of rounds, and an algorithm that constructs distance sketches with worse stretch but that only takes polylogarithmic rounds. Along the way, we show that other useful combinatorial structures can also be computed in MPC. In particular, one key component we use to construct distance sketches are an MPC construction of the hopsets of Elkin and Neiman (2016). This result has additional applications such as the first polylogarithmic time algorithm for constant approximate single-source shortest paths for weighted graphs in the low memory MPC setting.
The study of approximate matching in the Massively Parallel Computations (MPC) model has recently seen a burst of breakthroughs. Despite this progress, however, we still have a far more limited understanding of maximal matching which is one of the central problems of parallel and distributed computing. All known MPC algorithms for maximal matching either take polylogarithmic time which is considered inefficient, or require a strictly super-linear space of $n^{1+Omega(1)}$ per machine. In this work, we close this gap by providing a novel analysis of an extremely simple algorithm a variant of which was conjectured to work by Czumaj et al. [STOC18]. The algorithm edge-samples the graph, randomly partitions the vertices, and finds a random greedy maximal matching within each partition. We show that this algorithm drastically reduces the vertex degrees. This, among some other results, leads to an $O(log log Delta)$ round algorithm for maximal matching with $O(n)$ space (or even mildly sublinear in $n$ using standard techniques). As an immediate corollary, we get a $2$ approximate minimum vertex cover in essentially the same rounds and space. This is the best possible approximation factor under standard assumptions, culminating a long line of research. It also leads to an improved $O(loglog Delta)$ round algorithm for $1 + varepsilon$ approximate matching. All these results can also be implemented in the congested clique model within the same number of rounds.
Identifying the connected components of a graph, apart from being a fundamental problem with countless applications, is a key primitive for many other algorithms. In this paper, we consider this problem in parallel settings. Particularly, we focus on the Massively Parallel Computations (MPC) model, which is the standard theoretical model for modern parallel frameworks such as MapReduce, Hadoop, or Spark. We consider the truly sublinear regime of MPC for graph problems where the space per machine is $n^delta$ for some desirably small constant $delta in (0, 1)$. We present an algorithm that for graphs with diameter $D$ in the wide range $[log^{epsilon} n, n]$, takes $O(log D)$ rounds to identify the connected components and takes $O(log log n)$ rounds for all other graphs. The algorithm is randomized, succeeds with high probability, does not require prior knowledge of $D$, and uses an optimal total space of $O(m)$. We complement this by showing a conditional lower-bound based on the widely believed TwoCycle conjecture that $Omega(log D)$ rounds are indeed necessary in this setting. Studying parallel connectivity algorithms received a resurgence of interest after the pioneering work of Andoni et al. [FOCS 2018] who presented an algorithm with $O(log D cdot log log n)$ round-complexity. Our algorithm improves this result for the whole range of values of $D$ and almost settles the problem due to the conditional lower-bound. Additionally, we show that with minimal adjustments, our algorithm can also be implemented in a variant of the (CRCW) PRAM in asymptotically the same number of rounds.