Quantum algorithms for electronic structure calculations: particle/hole Hamiltonian and optimized wavefunction expansions

Abstract in English

In this work we investigate methods to improve the efficiency and scalability of quantum algorithms for quantum chemistry applications. We propose a transformation of the electronic structure Hamiltonian in the second quantization framework into the particle-hole (p/h) picture, which offers a better starting point for the expansion of the trial wavefunction. The state of the molecular system at study is parametrized in a way to efficiently explore the sector of the molecular Fock space that contains the desired solution. To this end, we explore several trial wavefunctions to identify the most efficient parameterization of the molecular ground state. Taking advantage of known post-Hartree Fock quantum chemistry approaches and heuristic Hilbert space search quantum algorithms, we propose a new family of quantum circuits based on exchange-type gates that enable accurate calculations while keeping the gate count (i.e., the circuit depth) low. The particle-hole implementation of the Unitary Coupled Cluster (UCC) method within the Variational Quantum Eigensolver approach gives rise to an efficient quantum algorithm, named q-UCC , with important advantages compared to the straightforward translation of the classical Coupled Cluster counterpart. In particular, we show how a single Trotter step can accurately and efficiently reproduce the ground state energies of simple molecular systems.
