Testing the disk instability model of cataclysmic variables

Abstract in English

The disk instability model attributes the outbursts of dwarf novae to a thermal-viscous instability of their accretion disk, an instability to which nova-like stars are not subject. We aim to test the fundamental prediction of the disk instability model: the separation of cataclysmic variables (CVs) into nova-likes and dwarf novae depending on orbital period and mass transfer rate from the companion. We analyse the lightcurves from a sample of ~130 CVs with a parallax distance in the Gaia DR2 catalogue to derive their average mass transfer rate. The method for converting optical magnitude to mass accretion rate is validated against theoretical lightcurves of dwarf novae. Dwarf novae (resp. nova-likes) are consistently placed in the unstable (resp. stable) region of the orbital period - mass transfer rate plane predicted by the disk instability model. None of the analyzed systems present a challenge to the model. These results are robust against the possible sources of error and bias that we investigated. Lightcurves from Kepler or, in the future, the LSST or Plato surveys, could alleviate a major source of uncertainty, the irregular sampling rate of the lightcurves, assuming good constraints can be set on the orbital parameters of the CVs that they happen to target. The disk instability model remains the solid base on which to construct the understanding of accretion processes in cataclysmic variables.
