Where are the Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray (UHECR) originated?

Abstract in English

We consider the recent results on UHECR (Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray) composition and their distribution in the sky from ten EeV energy (the dipole anisotropy) up to the highest UHECR energies and their clustering maps: UHECR have been found mostly made by light and lightest nuclei. We summarized the arguments that favor a few localized nearby extragalactic sources for most UHECR as CenA, NG 253, M82. We comment also on the possible partial role of a few remarkable galactic UHECR sources. Finally we revive the eventual role of a relic neutrino eV mass in dark hot halo (hit by ZeV neutrinos) to explain the new UHECR clustering events centered around a very far cosmic AGN sources as 3C 454.
