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We study the Kuramoto-Sakaguchi (KS) model composed by any N identical phase oscillators symmetrically coupled. Ranging from local (one-to-one, R = 1) to global (all-to-all, R = N/2) couplings, we derive the general solution that describes the network dynamics next to an equilibrium. Therewith we build stability diagrams according to N and R bringing to the light a rich scenery of attractors, repellers, saddles, and non-hyperbolic equilibriums. Our result also uncovers the obscure repulsive regime of the KS model through bifurcation analysis. Moreover, we present numerical evolutions of the network showing the great accordance with our analytical one. The exact knowledge of the behavior close to equilibriums is a fundamental step to investigate phenomena about synchronization in networks. As an example, at the end we discuss the dynamics behind chimera states from the point of view of our results.
The Kuramoto-Sakaguchi model for coupled phase oscillators with phase-frustration is often studied in the thermodynamic limit of infinitely many oscillators. Here we extend a model reduction method based on collective coordinates to capture the collective dynamics of finite size Kuramoto-Sakaguchi models. We find that the inclusion of the effects of rogue oscillators is essential to obtain an accurate description, in contrast to the original Kuramoto model where we show that their effects can be ignored. We further introduce a more accurate ansatz function to describe the shape of synchronized oscillators. Our results from this extended collective coordinate approach reduce in the thermodynamic limit to the well-known mean-field consistency relations. For finite networks we show that our model reduction describes the collective behavior accurately, reproducing the order parameter, the mean frequency of the synchronized cluster, and the size of the cluster at given coupling strength, as well as the critical coupling strength for partial and for global synchronization.
For the high-dimensional Kuramoto model with identical oscillators under a general digraph that has a directed spanning tree, although exponential synchronization was proved under some initial state constraints, the exact exponential synchronization rate has not been revealed until now. In this paper, the exponential synchronization rate is precisely determined as the smallest non-zero real part of Laplacian eigenvalues of the digraph. Our obtained result extends the existing results from the special case of strongly connected balanced digraphs to the condition of general digraphs owning directed spanning trees, which is the weakest condition for synchronization from the aspect of network structure. Moreover, our adopted method is completely different from and much more elementary than the previous differential geometry method.
We study a variant of Kuramoto-Sakaguchi model in which oscillators are divided into two groups, each characterized by its coupling constant and phase lag. Specifically, we consider the case that one coupling constant is positive and the other negative, and calculate numerically the traveling speed of two clusters emerging in the system and average separation between them as well as the order parameters for positive and negative oscillators, as the two coupling constants, phase lags, and the fraction of positive oscillators are varied. An expression explaining the dependence of the traveling speed on these parameters is obtained and observed to fit well the numerical data. With the help of this, we describe the conditions for the traveling state to appear in the system.
Using the main results of the Kuramoto theory of globally coupled phase oscillators combined with methods from probability and generalized function theory in a geometric analysis, we extend Kuramotos results and obtain a mathematical description of the instantaneous frequency (phase-velocity) distribution. Our result is validated against numerical simulations, and we illustrate it in cases where the natural frequencies have normal and Beta distributions. In both cases, we vary the coupling strength and compare systematically the distribution of time-averaged frequencies (a known result of Kuramoto theory) to that of instantaneous frequencies, focussing on their qualitative differences near the synchronized frequency and in their tails. For a class of natural frequency distributions with power-law tails, which includes the Cauchy-Lorentz distribution, we analyze rare events by means of an asymptotic formula obtained from a power series expansion of the instantaneous frequency distribution.
We derive a master stability function (MSF) for synchronization in networks of coupled dynamical systems with small but arbitrary parametric variations. Analogous to the MSF for identical systems, our generalized MSF simultaneously solves the linear stability problem for near-synchronous states (NSS) for all possible connectivity structures. We also derive a general sufficient condition for stable near-synchronization and show that the synchronization error scales linearly with the magnitude of parameter variations.Our analysis underlines significant roles played by the Laplacian eigenvectors in the study of network synchronization of near-identical systems.