Diluted magnetic Dirac-Weyl materials: Susceptibility and ferromagnetism in three-dimensional chiral gapless semimetals

Abstract in English

We theoretically investigate the temperature-dependent static susceptibility and long-range magnetic coupling of three-dimensional (3D) chiral gapless electron-hole systems (semimetals) with arbitrary band dispersion [i.e., $varepsilon(k) sim k^N$, where $k$ is the wave vector and $N$ is a positive integer]. We study the magnetic properties of these systems in the presence of dilute random magnetic impurities. Assuming carrier-mediated Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida indirect exchange interaction, we find that the magnetic ordering of intrinsic 3D chiral semimetals in the presence of dilute magnetic impurities is ferromagnetic for all values of $N$. Using finite-temperature self-consistent field approximation, we calculate the ferromagnetic transition temperature ($T_{rm c}$). We find that $T_{rm c}$ increases with increasing $N$ due to the enhanced density of states, and the calculated $T_{rm c}$ is experimentally accessible assuming reasonable coupling between the magnetic impurities and itinerant carriers.
