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In this paper, we consider the variational regularization of manifold-valued data in the inverse problems setting. In particular, we consider TV and TGV regularization for manifold-valued data with indirect measurement operators. We provide results on the well-posedness and present algorithms for a numerical realization of these models in the manifold setup. Further, we provide experimental results for synthetic and real data to show the potential of the proposed schemes for applications.
In this paper, we consider the sparse regularization of manifold-valued data with respect to an interpolatory wavelet/multiscale transform. We propose and study variational models for this task and provide results on their well-posedness. We present algorithms for a numerical realization of these models in the manifold setup. Further, we provide experimental results to show the potential of the proposed schemes for applications.
We consider total variation minimization for manifold valued data. We propose a cyclic proximal point algorithm and a parallel proximal point algorithm to minimize TV functionals with $ell^p$-type data terms in the manifold case. These algorithms are based on iterative geodesic averaging which makes them easily applicable to a large class of data manifolds. As an application, we consider denoising images which take their values in a manifold. We apply our algorithms to diffusion tensor images, interferometric SAR images as well as sphere and cylinder valued images. For the class of Cartan-Hadamard manifolds (which includes the data space in diffusion tensor imaging) we show the convergence of the proposed TV minimizing algorithms to a global minimizer.
Mumford-Shah and Potts functionals are powerful variational models for regularization which are widely used in signal and image processing; typical applications are edge-preserving denoising and segmentation. Being both non-smooth and non-convex, they are computationally challenging even for scalar data. For manifold-valued data, the problem becomes even more involved since typical features of vector spaces are not available. In this paper, we propose algorithms for Mumford-Shah and for Potts regularization of manifold-valued signals and images. For the univariate problems, we derive solvers based on dynamic programming combined with (convex) optimization techniques for manifold-valued data. For the class of Cartan-Hadamard manifolds (which includes the data space in diffusion tensor imaging), we show that our algorithms compute global minimizers for any starting point. For the multivariate Mumford-Shah and Potts problems (for image regularization) we propose a splitting into suitable subproblems which we can solve exactly using the techniques developed for the corresponding univariate problems. Our method does not require any a priori restrictions on the edge set and we do not have to discretize the data space. We apply our method to diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) as well as Q-ball imaging. Using the DTI model, we obtain a segmentation of the corpus callosum.
The characteristic feature of inverse problems is their instability with respect to data perturbations. In order to stabilize the inversion process, regularization methods have to be developed and applied. In this work we introduce and analyze the concept of filtered diagonal frame decomposition which extends the standard filtered singular value decomposition to the frame case. Frames as generalized singular system allows to better adapt to a given class of potential solutions. In this paper, we show that filtered diagonal frame decomposition yield a convergent regularization method. Moreover, we derive convergence rates under source type conditions and prove order optimality under the assumption that the considered frame is a Riesz-basis.
There are various inverse problems -- including reconstruction problems arising in medical imaging -- where one is often aware of the forward operator that maps variables of interest to the observations. It is therefore natural to ask whether such knowledge of the forward operator can be exploited in deep learning approaches increasingly used to solve inverse problems. In this paper, we provide one such way via an analysis of the generalisation error of deep learning methods applicable to inverse problems. In particular, by building on the algorithmic robustness framework, we offer a generalisation error bound that encapsulates key ingredients associated with the learning problem such as the complexity of the data space, the size of the training set, the Jacobian of the deep neural network and the Jacobian of the composition of the forward operator with the neural network. We then propose a plug-and-play regulariser that leverages the knowledge of the forward map to improve the generalization of the network. We likewise also propose a new method allowing us to tightly upper bound the Lipschitz constants of the relevant functions that is much more computational efficient than existing ones. We demonstrate the efficacy of our model-aware regularised deep learning algorithms against other state-of-the-art approaches on inverse problems involving various sub-sampling operators such as those used in classical compressed sensing setup and accelerated Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).