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The 85-cm telescope at the Xinglong station is a well-operated prime focus system with high science outputs. The telescope has been upgraded since 2014 with new corrector, filters and camera, which are provided by Beijing Normal University (BNU). The filter set is Johnson-Cousins UBVRI system. We report the test results of the new system including the bias, dark current, linearity, gain and readout noise of the CCD camera . Then we derive accurate instrumental calibration coefficients in UBVRI bands with Landolt standard stars in the photometric nights. Finally, we give the limiting magnitudes with various exposure time and signal-to-noise ratio for observers as references.
The High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) is an array of five Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes located in the Khomas Highland of Namibia. H.E.S.S. observes gamma rays above tens of GeV by detecting the Cherenkov light that is produced when Very High Energy gamma rays interact with the Earths atmosphere. The H.E.S.S. Data Acquisition System (DAQ) coordinates the nightly telescope operations, ensuring that the various components communicate properly and behave as intended. It also provides the interface between the telescopes and the people on shift who guide the operations. The DAQ comprises both the hardware and software, and since the beginning of H.E.S.S., both elements have been continuously adapted to improve the data-taking capabilities of the array and push the limits of what H.E.S.S. is capable of. Most recently, this includes the upgrade of the entire computing cluster hosting the DAQ software, and the accommodation of a new camera on the large 28m H.E.S.S. telescope. We discuss the performance of the upgraded DAQ and the lessons learned from these activities.
The Xinglong 2.16-m reflector is the first 2-meter class astronomical telescope in China. It was jointly designed and built by the Nanjing Astronomical Instruments Factory (NAIF), Beijing Astronomical Observatory (now National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, NAOC) and Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1989. It is Ritchey-Chr{e}tien (R-C) reflector on an English equatorial mount and the effective aperture is 2.16 meters. It had been the largest optical telescope in China for $sim18$ years until the Guoshoujing Telescope (also called Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope, LAMOST) and the Lijiang 2.4-m telescope were built. At present, there are three main instruments on the Cassegrain focus available: the Beijing Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera (BFOSC) for direct imaging and low resolution ($Rsim500-2000$) spectroscopy, the spectrograph made by Optomechanics Research Inc. (OMR) for low resolution spectroscopy (the spectral resolutions are similar to those of BFOSC) and the fiber-fed High Resolution Spectrograph (HRS, $Rsim30000-65000$). The telescope is widely open to astronomers all over China as well as international astronomical observers. Each year there are more than 40 ongoing observing projects, including 6-8 key projects. Recently, some new techniques and instruments (e.g., astro-frequency comb calibration system, polarimeter and adaptive optics) have been or will be tested on the telescope to extend its observing abilities.
The Nanshan One-meter Wide-field Telescope (NOWT) is a prime focus system located at Nanshan Station of Xinjiang Astronomical Observatories (XAO). The field of view(FOV) was designed to 1.5 degree *1.5 degree, and Johnson-Cousins UBVRI system was chosen as the main Filter set. The telescope has been providing observation services for astronomers since Sept. 2013. Variable source searching and time-domain surveys are the main scientific goals. The systems test results are reported including linearity, dark current, bias, readout noise and gain of the CCD camera. The accurate instrumental calibration coefficients in UBVRI bands was driven with Landolt standard stars during photometric nights. Finally, the limiting magnitudes are given with signal-to-noise ratios and various exposure times for observers.
The calibration hardware system of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) is designed to measure two quantities: a telescopes instrumental response and atmospheric transmission, both as a function of wavelength. First of all, a collimated beam projector is designed to measure the instrumental response function by projecting monochromatic light through a mask and a collimating optic onto the telescope. During the measurement, the light level is monitored with a NIST-traceable photodiode. This method does not suffer from stray light effects or the reflections (known as ghosting) present when using a flat-field screen illumination, which has a systematic source of uncertainty from uncontrolled reflections. It allows for an independent measurement of the throughput of the telescopes optical train as well as each filters transmission as a function of position on the primary mirror. Second, CALSPEC stars can be used as calibrated light sources to illuminate the atmosphere and measure its transmission. To measure the atmospheres transfer function, we use the telescopes imager with a Ronchi grating in place of a filter to configure it as a low resolution slitless spectrograph. In this paper, we describe this calibration strategy, focusing on results from a prototype system at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) 0.9 meter telescope. We compare the instrumental throughput measurements to nominal values measured using a laboratory spectrophotometer, and we describe measurements of the atmosphere made via CALSPEC standard stars during the same run.
The Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST) spectroscopic survey plans to deliver high-quality low-resolution ($R > 200$) slitless spectra for hundreds of millions of targets down to a limiting magnitude of about 21 mag, covering a large survey area (17500 deg$^2$) and a wide wavelength range (255-1000 nm by 3 bands GU, GV, and GI). In this work, we use empirical spectra of the Next Generation Spectral Library to simulate the CSST stellar spectra at $R = 250$, and investigate their capabilities in measuring radial velocities. We find that velocity uncertainties depend strongly on effective temperature, weakly on metallicity for only FGK stars, and hardly on surface gravity. It is possible to deliver stellar radial velocities to a precision of about $3 ,mathrm{km},mathrm{s}^{-1}$ for AFGKM stars, and about $10 ,mathrm{km},mathrm{s}^{-1}$ for OB stars, at signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 100. Velocity uncertainties using single GU/GV/GI band spectra are also explored. Given the same SNR, the GU band performs best, the GV band the second best, and then the GI band. The effects of spectral normalization and imperfect template on velocity measurements are investigated and found to be very weak. The uncertainties caused by wavelength calibration are considered and found to be moderate. Given the possible precision of radial velocities, the CSST spectroscopic survey can enable interesting science such as searching for hyper-velocity stars. Limitations of our results are also discussed.