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We use machine learning to identify in color images of high-redshift galaxies an astrophysical phenomenon predicted by cosmological simulations. This phenomenon, called the blue nugget (BN) phase, is the compact star-forming phase in the central regions of many growing galaxies that follows an earlier phase of gas compaction and is followed by a central quenching phase. We train a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with mock observed images of simulated galaxies at three phases of evolution: pre-BN, BN and post-BN, and demonstrate that the CNN successfully retrieves the three phases in other simulated galaxies. We show that BNs are identified by the CNN within a time window of $sim0.15$ Hubble times. When the trained CNN is applied to observed galaxies from the CANDELS survey at $z=1-3$, it successfully identifies galaxies at the three phases. We find that the observed BNs are preferentially found in galaxies at a characteristic stellar mass range, $10^{9.2-10.3} M_odot$ at all redshifts. This is consistent with the characteristic galaxy mass for BNs as detected in the simulations, and is meaningful because it is revealed in the observations when the direct information concerning the total galaxy luminosity has been eliminated from the training set. This technique can be applied to the classification of other astrophysical phenomena for improved comparison of theory and observations in the era of large imaging surveys and cosmological simulations.
We report the discovery of two Einstein Crosses (ECs) in the footprint of the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS): KIDS J232940-340922 and KIDS J122456+005048. Using integral field spectroscopy from MUSE@VLT, we confirm their gravitational-lens nature. In both cases, the four spectra of the source clearly show a prominence of absorption features, hence revealing an evolved stellar population with little star formation. The lensing model of the two systems, assuming a singular isothermal ellipsoid (SIE) with external shear, shows that: 1) the two crosses, located at redshift $z=0.38$ and 0.24, have Einstein radius $R_{rm E}=5.2$ kpc and 5.4 kpc, respectively; 2) their projected dark matter fractions inside the half effective radius are 0.60 and 0.56 (Chabrier IMF); 3) the sources are ultra-compact galaxies, $R_{rm e}sim0.9$ kpc (at redshift $z_{rm s}=1.59$) and $R_{rm e}sim0.5$ kpc ($z_{rm s}=1.10$), respectively. These results are unaffected by the underlying mass density assumption. Due to size, blue color and absorption-dominated spectra, corroborated by low specific star-formation rates derived from optical-NIR spectral energy distribution fitting, we argue that the two lensed sources in these ECs are blue nuggets migrating toward their quenching phase.
We study the shape of the gas-phase mass-metallicity relation (MZR) of a combined sample of present-day dwarf and high-mass star-forming galaxies using IZI, a Bayesian formalism for measuring chemical abundances presented in Blanc et al. 2015. We observe a characteristic stellar mass scale at $M_* simeq 10^{9.5}$M$_{odot}$, above which the ISM undergoes a sharp increase in its level of chemical enrichment. In the $10^{6}-10^{9.5}$M$_{odot}$ range the MZR follows a shallow power-law ($Zpropto M^{alpha}_*$) with slope $alpha=0.14pm0.08$. At approaching $M_* simeq 10^{9.5}$M$_{odot}$ the MZR steepens significantly, showing a slope of $alpha=0.37pm0.08$ in the $10^{9.5}-10^{10.5}$M$_{odot}$ range, and a flattening towards a constant metallicity at higher stellar masses. This behavior is qualitatively different from results in the literature that show a single power-law MZR towards the low mass end. We thoroughly explore systematic uncertainties in our measurement, and show that the shape of the MZR is not induced by sample selection, aperture effects, a changing N/O abundance, the adopted methodology used to construct the MZR, secondary dependencies on star formation activity, nor diffuse ionized gas (DIG) contamination, but rather on differences in the method used to measure abundances. High resolution hydrodynamical simulations can qualitatively reproduce our result, and suggest a transition in the ability of galaxies to retain their metals for stellar masses above this threshold. The MZR characteristic mass scale also coincides with a transition in the scale height and clumpiness of cold gas disks, and a typical gas fraction below which the efficiency of star formation feedback for driving outflows is expected to decrease sharply.
We present new observations of C-band continuum emission and masers to assess high-mass ($>$8 $M_odot$) star formation at early evolutionary phases in the inner 200 pc of the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) of the Galaxy. The continuum observation is complete to free-free emission from stars above 10-11 $M_odot$ in 91% of the covered area. We identify 104 compact sources in the continuum emission, among which five are confirmed ultracompact H II regions, 12 are candidates of ultra-compact H II regions, and the remaining 87 sources are mostly massive stars in clusters, field stars, evolved stars, pulsars, extragalactic sources, or of unknown nature that is to be investigated. We detect class II CH$_3$OH masers at 23 positions, among which six are new detections. We confirm six known H$_2$CO masers in two high-mass star forming regions, and detect two new H$_2$CO masers toward the Sgr C cloud, making it the ninth region in the Galaxy that contains masers of this type. In spite of these detections, we find that current high-mass star formation in the inner CMZ is only taking place in seven isolated clouds. The results suggest that star formation at early evolutionary phases in the CMZ is about 10 times less efficient than expected by the dense gas star formation relation, which is in line with previous studies that focus on more evolved phases of star formation. This means that if there will be any impending, next burst of star formation in the CMZ, it has not yet begun.
Recent long wavelength observations on the thermal dust continuum suggest that the Rayleigh-Jeans (RJ) tail can be used as a time-efficient quantitative probe of the dust and ISM mass in high-$z$ galaxies. We use high-resolution cosmological simulations from the Feedback in Realistic Environment (FIRE) project to analyze the dust emission of $M_*>10^{10};M_{odot}$ galaxies at $z=2-4$. Our simulations (MassiveFIRE) explicitly include various forms of stellar feedback, and they produce the stellar masses and star formation rates of high-$z$ galaxies in agreement with observations. Using radiative transfer modelling, we show that sub-millimeter (sub-mm) luminosity and molecular ISM mass are tightly correlated and that the overall normalization is in quantitative agreement with observations. Notably, sub-mm luminosity traces molecular ISM mass even during starburst episodes as dust mass and mass-weighted temperature evolve only moderately between $z=4$ and $z=2$, including during starbursts. Our finding supports the empirical approach of using broadband sub-mm flux as a proxy for molecular gas content in high-$z$ galaxies. We thus expect single-band sub-mm observations with ALMA to dramatically increase the sample size of high-$z$ galaxies with reliable ISM masses in the near future.
We use cosmological simulations to study a characteristic evolution pattern of high redshift galaxies. Early, stream-fed, highly perturbed, gas-rich discs undergo phases of dissipative contraction into compact, star-forming systems (blue nuggets) at z~4-2. The peak of gas compaction marks the onset of central gas depletion and inside-out quenching into compact ellipticals (red nuggets) by z~2. These are sometimes surrounded by gas rings or grow extended dry stellar envelopes. The compaction occurs at a roughly constant specific star-formation rate (SFR), and the quenching occurs at a constant stellar surface density within the inner kpc ($Sigma_1$). Massive galaxies quench earlier, faster, and at a higher $Sigma_1$ than lower-mass galaxies, which compactify and attempt to quench more than once. This evolution pattern is consistent with the way galaxies populate the SFR-radius-mass space, and with gradients and scatter across the main sequence. The compaction is triggered by an intense inflow episode, involving (mostly minor) mergers, counter-rotating streams or recycled gas, and is commonly associated with violent disc instability. The contraction is dissipative, with the inflow rate >SFR, and the maximum $Sigma_1$ anti-correlated with the initial spin parameter, as predicted by Dekel & Burkert (2014). The central quenching is triggered by the high SFR and stellar/supernova feedback (possibly also AGN feedback) due to the high central gas density, while the central inflow weakens as the disc vanishes. Suppression of fresh gas supply by a hot halo allows the long-term maintenance of quenching once above a threshold halo mass, inducing the quenching downsizing.