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Backwards theory supports modelling via invariant manifolds for non-autonomous dynamical systems

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 Added by Tony Roberts
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English
 Authors A. J. Roberts

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This article establishes the foundation for a new theory of invariant/integral manifolds for non-autonomous dynamical systems. Current rigorous support for dimensional reduction modelling of slow-fast systems is limited by the rare events in stochastic systems that may cause escape, and limited in many applications by the unbounded nature of PDE operators. To circumvent such limitations, we initiate developing a backward theory of invariant/integral manifolds that complements extant forward theory. Here, for deterministic non-autonomous ODE systems, we construct a conjugacy with a normal form system to establish the existence, emergence and exact construction of center manifolds in a finite domain for systems `arbitrarily close to that specified. A benefit is that the constructed invariant manifolds are known to be exact for systems `close to the one specified, and hence the only error is in determining how close over the domain of interest for any specific application. Built on the base developed here, planned future research should develop a theory for stochastic and/or PDE systems that is useful in a wide range of modelling applications.

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179 - Helge Glockner 2008
We give an exposition of the theory of invariant manifolds around a fixed point, in the case of time-discrete, analytic dynamical systems over a complete ultrametric field K. Typically, we consider an analytic manifold M modelled on an ultrametric Banach space over K, an analytic self-map f of M, and a fixed point p of f. Under suitable conditions on the tangent map of f at p, we construct a centre-stable manifold, a centre manifold, respectively, an r-stable manifold around p, for a given positive real number r not exceeding 1. The invariant manifolds are useful in the theory of Lie groups over local fields, where they allow results to be extended to the case of positive characteristic which previously were only available in characteristic zero (i.e., for p-adic Lie groups).
158 - Bixiang Wang 2014
By the Lyapunov-Perron method,we prove the existence of random inertial manifolds for a class of equations driven simultaneously by non-autonomous deterministic and stochastic forcing. These invariant manifolds contain tempered pullback random attractors if such attractors exist. We also prove pathwise periodicity and almost periodicity of inertial manifolds when non-autonomous deterministic forcing is periodic and almost periodic in time, respectively.
302 - Mauricio Garay 2013
We consider a pair (H,I) where I is an involutive ideal of a Poisson algebra and H lies in I. We show that if I defines a 2n-gon singularity then, under arithmetical conditions on H, any deformation of H can integrated as a deformation of (H,I).
The motivation of our research is to establish a Laplace-domain theory that provides principles and methodology to analyze and synthesize systems with nonlinear dynamics. A semigroup of composition operators defined for nonlinear autonomous dynamical systems -- the Koopman semigroup and its associated Koopman generator -- plays a central role in this study. We introduce the resolvent of the Koopman generator, which we call the Koopman resolvent, and provide its spectral characterization for three types of nonlinear dynamics: ergodic evolution on an attractor, convergence to a stable equilibrium point, and convergence to a (quasi-)stable limit cycle. This shows that the Koopman resolvent provides the Laplace-domain representation of such nonlinear autonomous dynamics. A computational aspect of the Laplace-domain representation is also discussed with emphasis on non-stationary Koopman modes.
We consider the problem of asymptotic convergence to invariant sets in interconnected nonlinear dynamic systems. Standard approaches often require that the invariant sets be uniformly attracting. e.g. stable in the Lyapunov sense. This, however, is neither a necessary requirement, nor is it always useful. Systems may, for instance, be inherently unstable (e.g. intermittent, itinerant, meta-stable) or the problem statement may include requirements that cannot be satisfied with stable solutions. This is often the case in general optimization problems and in nonlinear parameter identification or adaptation. Conventional techniques for these cases rely either on detailed knowledge of the systems vector-fields or require boundeness of its states. The presently proposed method relies only on estimates of the input-output maps and steady-state characteristics. The method requires the possibility of representing the system as an interconnection of a stable, contracting, and an unstable, exploratory part. We illustrate with examples how the method can be applied to problems of analyzing the asymptotic behavior of locally unstable systems as well as to problems of parameter identification and adaptation in the presence of nonlinear parametrizations. The relation of our results to conventional small-gain theorems is discussed.
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