From Coxeter Higher-Spin Theories to Strings and Tensor Models

Abstract in English

A new class of higher-spin gauge theories associated with various Coxeter groups is proposed. The emphasize is on the $B_p$--models. The cases of $B_1$ and its infinite graded-symmetric product $sym,(times B_1)^infty$ correspond to the usual higher-spin theory and its multi-particle extension, respectively. The multi-particle $B_2$--higher-spin theory is conjectured to be associated with String Theory. $B_p$--higher-spin models with $p>2$ are anticipated to be dual to the rank-$p$ boundary tensor sigma-models. $B_p$ higher-spin models with $pgeq 2$ possess two coupling constants responsible for higher-spin interactions in $AdS$ background and stringy/tensor effects, respectively. The brane-like idempotent extension of the Coxeter higher-spin theory is proposed allowing to unify in the same model the fields supported by space-times of different dimensions. Consistency of the holographic interpretation of the boundary matrix-like model in the $B_2$-higher-spin model is shown to demand $Ngeq 4$ SUSY, suggesting duality with the $N=4$ SYM upon spontaneous breaking of higher-spin symmetries. The proposed models are shown to admit unitary truncations.
