N=1 QED in 2+1 dimensions: Dualities and enhanced symmetries

Abstract in English

We consider three-dimensional sQED with 2 flavors and minimal supersymmetry. We discuss various models which are dual to Gross-Neveu-Yukawa theories. The $U(2)$ ultraviolet global symmetry is often enhanced in the infrared, for instance to $O(4)$ or $SU(3)$. This is analogous to the conjectured behaviour of non-supersymmetric QED with 2 flavors. A perturbative analysis of the Gross-Neveu-Yukawa models in the $D = 4 - varepsilon$ expansion shows that the $U(2)$ preserving superpotential deformations of the sQED (modulo tuning mass terms to zero) are irrelevant, so the fixed points with enhanced symmetry are stable. We also construct an example of $mathcal{N} = 2$ sQED with 4 flavors that exhibits enhanced $SO(6)$ symmetry.
