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Wavelet based speckle suppression for exoplanet imaging - Application of a de-noising technique in the time domain

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 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Context. High-contrast exoplanet imaging is a rapidly growing field as can be seen through the significant resources invested. In fact, the detection and characterization of exoplanets through direct imaging is featured at all major ground-based observatories. Aims. We aim to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) achievable for ground-based, adaptive-optics assisted exoplanet imaging by applying sophisticated post-processing algorithms. In particular, we investigate the benefits of including time domain information. Methods. We introduce a new speckle-suppression technique in data post-processing based on wavelet transformation. This technique explicitly considers the time domain in a given data set (specifically the frequencies of speckle variations and their time dependence) and allows us to filter-out speckle noise. We combine our wavelet-based algorithm with state-of-the-art principal component analysis (PCA) based PSF subtraction routines and apply it to archival data sets of known directly imaged exoplanets. The data sets were obtained in the L filter where the short integration times allow for a sufficiently high temporal sampling of the speckle variations. Results. We demonstrate that improvements in the peak SNR of up to forty to sixty percent can be achieved. We also show that, when combined with wavelet-denoising, the PCA PSF model requires systematically smaller numbers of components for the fit to achieve the highest SNR. The improvement potential is, however, data set dependent or, more specifically, closely linked to the field rotation available in a given data set: larger amounts of rotation allow for a better suppression of the speckle noise. Conclusions. We have demonstrated that by applying advanced data post-processing techniques, the contrast performance in archival high-contrast imaging data sets can be improved.

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Residual speckles due to aberrations arising from optical errors after the split between the wavefront sensor and the science camera path are the most significant barriers to imaging extrasolar planets. While speckles can be suppressed using the science camera in conjunction with the deformable mirror, this requires knowledge of the phase of the electric field in the focal plane. We describe a method which combines a coronagraph with a simple phase-shifting interferometer to measure and correct speckles in the full focal plane. We demonstrate its initial use on the Stellar Double Coronagraph at the Palomar Observatory. We also describe how the same hardware can be used to distinguish speckles from true companions by measuring the coherence of the optical field in the focal plane. We present results observing the brown dwarf HD 49197b with this technique, demonstrating the ability to detect the presence of a companion even when it is buried in the speckle noise, without the use of any standard calibration techniques. We believe this is the first detection of a substellar companion using the coherence properties of light.
242 - Rob Fergus 2014
High dynamic-range imagers aim to block out or null light from a very bright primary star to make it possible to detect and measure far fainter companions; in real systems a small fraction of the primary light is scattered, diffracted, and unocculted. We introduce S4, a flexible data-driven model for the unocculted (and highly speckled) light in the P1640 spectroscopic coronograph. The model uses Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to capture the spatial structure and wavelength dependence of the speckles but not the signal produced by any companion. Consequently, the residual typically includes the companion signal. The companion can thus be found by filtering this error signal with a fixed companion model. The approach is sensitive to companions that are of order a percent of the brightness of the speckles, or up to $10^{-7}$ times the brightness of the primary star. This outperforms existing methods by a factor of 2-3 and is close to the shot-noise physical limit.
exoplanet is a toolkit for probabilistic modeling of astronomical time series data, with a focus on observations of exoplanets, using PyMC3 (Salvatier et al., 2016). PyMC3 is a flexible and high-performance model-building language and inference engine that scales well to problems with a large number of parameters. exoplanet extends PyMC3s modeling language to support many of the custom functions and probability distributions required when fitting exoplanet datasets or other astronomical time series. While it has been used for other applications, such as the study of stellar variability, the primary purpose of exoplanet is the characterization of exoplanets or multiple star systems using time-series photometry, astrometry, and/or radial velocity. In particular, the typical use case would be to use one or more of these datasets to place constraints on the physical and orbital parameters of the system, such as planet mass or orbital period, while simultaneously taking into account the effects of stellar variability.
Instrumentation techniques in the field of direct imaging of exoplanets have greatly advanced over the last two decades. Two of the four NASA-commissioned large concept studies involve a high-contrast instrument for the imaging and spectral characterization of exo-Earths from space: LUVOIR and HabEx. This whitepaper describes the status of 8 optical testbeds in the US and France currently in operation to experimentally validate the necessary technologies to image exo-Earths from space. They explore two complementary axes of research: (i) coronagraph designs and manufacturing and (ii) active wavefront correction methods and technologies. Several instrument architectures are currently being analyzed in parallel to provide more degrees of freedom for designing the future coronagraphic instruments. The necessary level of performance has already been demonstrated in-laboratory for clear off-axis telescopes (HabEx-like) and important efforts are currently in development to reproduce this accomplishment on segmented and/or on-axis telescopes (LUVOIR-like) over the next two years.
75 - Steven P. Bos 2020
Photometric and astrometric monitoring of directly imaged exoplanets will deliver unique insights into their rotational periods, the distribution of cloud structures, weather, and orbital parameters. As the host star is occulted by the coronagraph, a speckle grid (SG) is introduced to serve as astrometric and photometric reference. Speckle grids are implemented as diffractive pupil-plane optics that generate artificial speckles at known location and brightness. Their performance is limited by the underlying speckle halo caused by evolving uncorrected wavefront errors. The speckle halo will interfere with the coherent SGs, affecting their photometric and astrometric precision. Our aim is to show that by imposing opposite amplitude or phase modulation on the opposite polarization states, a SG can be instantaneously incoherent with the underlying halo, greatly increasing the precision. We refer to these as vector speckle grids (VSGs). We derive analytically the mechanism by which the incoherency arises and explore the performance gain in idealised simulations under various atmospheric conditions. We show that the VSG is completely incoherent for unpolarized light and that the fundamental limiting factor is the cross-talk between the speckles in the grid. In simulation, we find that for short-exposure images the VSG reaches a $sim$0.3-0.8% photometric error and $sim$$3-10cdot10^{-3}$ $lambda/D$ astrometric error, which is a performance increase of a factor $sim$20 and $sim$5, respectively. Furthermore, we outline how VSGs could be implemented using liquid-crystal technology to impose the geometric phase on the circular polarization states. The VSG is a promising new method for generating a photometric and astrometric reference SG that has a greatly increased astrometric and photometric precision.
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