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Slow-Scanning in Ground-Based Mid-Infrared Observation

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 Added by Ryou Ohsawa
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Chopping observations with a tip-tilt secondary mirror have conventionally been used in ground-based mid-infrared observations. However, it is not practical for next generation large telescopes to have a large tip-tilt mirror that moves at a frequency larger than a few Hz. We propose an alternative observing method, a slow-scanning observation. Images are continuously captured as movie data, while the field-of-view is slowly moved. The signal from an astronomical object is extracted from the movie data by a low-rank and sparse matrix decomposition. The performance of the slow-scanning observation was tested in an experimental observation with Subaru/COMICS. The quality of a resultant image in the slow-scanning observation was as good as in a conventional chopping observation with COMICS, at least for a bright point-source object. The observational efficiency in the slow-scanning observation was better than that in the chopping observation. The results suggest that the slow-scanning observation can be a competitive method for the Subaru telescope and be of potential interest to other ground-based facilities to avoid chopping.

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Giant exoplanets on 10-100 au orbits have been directly imaged around young stars. The peak of the thermal emission from these warm young planets is in the near-infrared (~1-5 microns), whereas mature, temperate exoplanets (i.e., those within their stars habitable zones) radiate primarily in the mid-infrared (mid-IR: ~10 microns). If the background noise in the mid-IR can be mitigated, then exoplanets with low masses--including rocky exoplanets--can potentially be imaged in very deep exposures. Here, we review the recent results of the Breakthrough Watch/New Earths in the Alpha Centauri Region (NEAR) program on the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. NEAR pioneered a ground-based mid-IR observing approach designed to push the capabilities for exoplanet imaging with a specific focus on the closest stellar system, Alpha Centauri. NEAR combined several new optical technologies--including a mid-IR optimized coronagraph, adaptive optics system, and rapid chopping strategy to mitigate noise from the central star and thermal background within the habitable zone. We focus on the lessons of the VLT/NEAR campaign to improve future instrumentation--specifically on strategies to improve noise mitigation through chopping. We also present the design and commissioning of the Large Binocular Telescopes Exploratory Survey for Super-Earths Orbiting Nearby Stars (LESSONS), an experiment in the Northern hemisphere that is building on what was learned from NEAR to further push the sensitivity of mid-IR imaging. Finally, we briefly discuss some of the possibilities that mid-IR imaging will enable for exoplanet science.
91 - Sascha P. Quanz 2018
One of the long-term goals of exoplanet science is the (atmospheric) characterization of a large sample (>100) of terrestrial planets to assess their potential habitability and overall diversity. Hence, it is crucial to quantitatively evaluate and compare the scientific return of various mission concepts. Here we discuss the exoplanet yield of a space-based mid-infrared (MIR) nulling interferometer. We use Monte-Carlo simulations, based on the observed planet population statistics from the Kepler mission, to quantify the number and properties of detectable exoplanets (incl. potentially habitable planets) and we compare the results to those for a large aperture optical/NIR space telescope. We investigate how changes in the underlying technical assumptions (sensitivity and spatial resolution) impact the results and discuss scientific aspects that influence the choice for the wavelength coverage and spectral resolution. Finally, we discuss the advantages of detecting exoplanets at MIR wavelengths, summarize the current status of some key technologies, and describe what is needed in terms of further technology development to pave the road for a space-based MIR nulling interferometer for exoplanet science.
Mid-infrared (IR) array detectors have been used for astronomical observations in space. However, the uniformities of their spectral response curves have not been investigated in detail, the understanding of which is important for spectroscopic observations using large array formats. We characterize the spectral responses of all the pixels in IR array detectors using a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and cryogenic optics for measurements at high signal-to-noise ratios. We measured the spectral responses of the Si:As impurity band conduction (IBC) array, a flight back-up detector for AKARI/IRC. As a result, we find that the Si:As array has intrinsic variations in the spectral response along the row and column directions of the array. We also find that the cutoff wavelength of the Si:As IBC array depends on the intensity of the incident light.
We performed near-diffraction-limited (~0.4 FWHM) N-band imaging of one of the nearest Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) in M51 with 8.2m Subaru telescope to study the nuclear structure and spectral energy distribution (SED) at 8-13 um. We found that the nucleus is composed of an unresolved core (at ~13 pc resolution, or intrinsic size corrected for the instrumental effect of <6 pc) and an extended halo (at a few tens pc scale), and each of their SEDs is almost flat. We examined the SED by comparing with the archival Spitzer IRS spectrum processed to mimic our chopping observation of the nucleus, and the published radiative-transfer model SEDs of the AGN clumpy dusty torus. The halo SED is likely due to circumnuclear star formation showing little Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) emission due to the AGN. The core SED is likely dominated by the AGN because of the following two reasons. Firstly, the clumpy torus model SEDs can reproduce the red mid-infrared continuum with apparently moderate silicate 9.7 um absorption. Secondly, the core 12 um luminosity and the absorption-corrected X-ray luminosity at 2-10 keV in the literature follow the mid-infrared-X-ray luminosity correlation known for the nearby AGNs including the Compton-thick ones.
We present the characterization and calibration of the Slow-Scan observation mode of the Far-Infrared Surveyor (FIS) onboard the AKARI satellite. The FIS, one of the two focal-plane instruments on AKARI, has four photometric bands between 50--180 um with two types of Ge:Ga array detectors. In addition to the All-Sky Survey, FIS has also taken detailed far-infrared images of selected targets by using the Slow-Scan mode. The sensitivity of the Slow-Scan mode is one to two orders of magnitude better than that of the All-Sky Survey, because the exposure time on a targeted source is much longer. The point spread functions (PSFs) were obtained by observing several bright point-like objects such as asteroids, stars, and galaxies. The derived full widths at the half maximum (FWHMs) are ~30 for the two shorter wavelength bands and ~40 for the two longer wavelength bands, being consistent with those expected by the optical simulation, although a certain amount of excess is seen in the tails of the PSFs. The flux calibration has been performed by the observations of well-established photometric calibration standards (asteroids and stars) in a wide range of fluxes. After establishing the method of aperture photometry, the photometric accuracy for point-sources is better than +-15% in all of the bands expect for the longest wavelength.
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