Current velocity data on dwarf galaxy NGC1052-DF2 do not constrain it to lack dark matter

Abstract in English

It was recently proposed that the globular cluster system of the very low surface-brightness galaxy NGC1052-DF2 is dynamically very cold, leading to the conclusion that this dwarf galaxy has little or no dark matter. Here, we show that a robust statistical measure of the velocity dispersion of the tracer globular clusters implies a mundane velocity dispersion and a poorly constrained mass-to-light ratio. Models that include the possibility that some of the tracers are field contaminants do not yield a more constraining inference. We derive only a weak constraint on the mass-to-light ratio of the system within the half-light radius (M/L_V<6.7 at the 90% confidence level) or within the radius of the furthest tracer (M/L_V<8.1 at the 90% confidence level). This limit may imply a mass-to-light ratio on the low end for a dwarf galaxy but many Local Group dwarf galaxies fall well within this contraint. With this study, we emphasize the need to reliably account for measurement uncertainties and to stay as close as possible to the data when determining dynamical masses from very small data sets of tracers.
