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Neutrino Cross Sections: Status and Prospects

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 Added by Mateus Carneiro
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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We summarize the current status of accelerator based neutrino crosssection measurements. We focus on the experimental challenges while also presenting the motivation for these measurements. Selected results are highlighted after a quick description of the current major collaborations working on the field.

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272 - Marco Martini 2017
Neutrino oscillations physics entered in the precision era. In this context accelerator-based neutrino experiments need a reduction of systematic errors to the level of a few percent. Today one of the most important sources of systematic errors are the neutrino-nucleus cross sections. The status of our knowledge of these cross sections in the different open channels in the few-GeV region, i.e. the quasielastic, the pion production and the multinucleon emission, is reviewed. Special emphasis is devoted to the multinucleon emission channel, which attracted a lot of attention in the last few years. It is crucial to properly reconstruct the neutrino energy which enters the expression of the oscillation probability. This channel was not included in the generators used for the analyses of the neutrino cross sections and oscillations experiments.
112 - Henry Tsz-King Wong 2016
We present an overview of the foundation, evolution, contributions and future prospects of the TEXONO Collaboration and its research programs on neutrino physics and dark matter searches at the Kuo-Sheng Reactor Neutrino Laboratory in Taiwan and, as a founding partner of the CDEX program, at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory in China.
287 - L. Fields 2012
The next generation of neutrino oscillation experiments aims to answer many interesting questions, such as whether there is CP violation in the neutrino sector and whether sterile neutrinos exist. These experiments will require high precision cross section measurements of various neutrino and anti-neutrino interaction channels. We review results and prospects for such measurements from the MiniBooNE, T2K, MINER$ u$A and ArgoNeuT collaborations.
The MiniBooNE experiment has reported a number of high statistics neutrino and anti-neutrino cross sections-among which are the charged current quasi-elastic (CCQE) and neutral current elastic (NCE) neutrino scattering on mineral oil. Recently a study of the neutrino contamination of the anti-neutrino beam has concluded and the analysis of the anti-neutrino CCQE and NCE scattering is ongoing.
This paper summarizes the relevant theoretical developments, outlines some ideas to improve experimental searches for free neutron-antineutron oscillations, and suggests avenues for future improvement in the experimental sensitivity.
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