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Machine learning of phase transitions in the percolation and XY models

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 Added by Wanzhou Zhang
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In this paper, we apply machine learning methods to study phase transitions in certain statistical mechanical models on the two dimensional lattices, whose transitions involve non-local or topological properties, including site and bond percolations, the XY model and the generalized XY model. We find that using just one hidden layer in a fully-connected neural network, the percolation transition can be learned and the data collapse by using the average output layer gives correct estimate of the critical exponent $ u$. We also study the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition, which involves binding and unbinding of topological defects---vortices and anti-vortices, in the classical XY model. The generalized XY model contains richer phases, such as the nematic phase, the paramagnetic and the quasi-long-range ferromagnetic phases, and we also apply machine learning method to it. We obtain a consistent phase diagram from the network trained with only data along the temperature axis at two particular parameter $Delta$ values, where $Delta$ is the relative weight of pure XY coupling. Besides using the spin configurations (either angles or spin components) as the input information in a convolutional neural network, we devise a feature engineering approach using the histograms of the spin orientations in order to train the network to learn the three phases in the generalized XY model and demonstrate that it indeed works. The trained network by using system size $Ltimes L$ can be used to the phase diagram for other sizes ($Ltimes L$, where $L e L$) without any further training.

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We investigate dynamical quantum phase transitions in disordered quantum many-body models that can support many-body localized phases. Employing $l$-bits formalism, we lay out the conditions for which singularities indicative of the transitions appear in the context of many-body localization. Using the combination of the mapping onto $l$-bits and exact diagonalization results, we explicitly demonstrate the presence of these singularities for a candidate model that features many-body localization. Our work paves the way for understanding dynamical quantum phase transitions in the context of many-body localization, and elucidating whether different phases of the latter can be detected from analyzing the former. The results presented are experimentally accessible with state-of-the-art ultracold-atom and ion-trap setups.
We demonstrate that a machine learning technique with a simple feedforward neural network can sensitively detect two successive phase transitions associated with the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase in q-state clock models simultaneously by analyzing the weight matrix components connecting the hidden and output layers. We find that the method requires only a data set of the raw spatial spin configurations for the learning procedure. This data set is generated by Monte-Carlo thermalizations at selected temperatures. Neither prior knowledge of, for example, the transition temperatures, number of phases, and order parameters nor processed data sets of, for example, the vortex configurations, histograms of spin orientations, and correlation functions produced from the original spin-configuration data are needed, in contrast with most of previously proposed machine learning methods based on supervised learning. Our neural network evaluates the transition temperatures as T_2/J=0.921 and T_1/J=0.410 for the paramagnetic-to-BKT transition and BKT-to-ferromagnetic transition in the eight-state clock model on a square lattice. Both critical temperatures agree well with those evaluated in the previous numerical studies.
A wave function exposed to measurements undergoes pure state dynamics, with deterministic unitary and probabilistic measurement induced state updates, defining a quantum trajectory. For many-particle systems, the competition of these different elements of dynamics can give rise to a scenario similar to quantum phase transitions. To access it despite the randomness of single quantum trajectories, we construct an $n$-replica Keldysh field theory for the ensemble average of the $n$-th moment of the trajectory projector. A key finding is that this field theory decouples into one set of degrees of freedom that heats up indefinitely, while $n-1$ others can be cast into the form of pure state evolutions generated by an effective non-Hermitian Hamiltonian. This decoupling is exact for free theories, and useful for interacting ones. In particular, we study locally measured Dirac fermions in $(1+1)$ dimensions, which can be bosonized to a monitored interacting Luttinger liquid at long wavelengths. For this model, the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian corresponds to a quantum Sine-Gordon model with complex coefficients. A renormalization group analysis reveals a gapless critical phase with logarithmic entanglement entropy growth, and a gapped area law phase, separated by a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. The physical picture emerging here is a pinning of the trajectory wave function into eigenstates of the measurement operators upon increasing the monitoring rate.
324 - H Chamati , S Romano 2007
The present paper considers some classical ferromagnetic lattice--gas models, consisting of particles that carry $n$--component spins ($n=2,3$) and associated with a $D$--dimensional lattice ($D=2,3$); each site can host one particle at most, thus implicitly allowing for hard--core repulsion; the pair interaction, restricted to nearest neighbors, is ferromagnetic, and site occupation is also controlled by the chemical potential $mu$. The models had previously been investigated by Mean Field and Two--Site Cluster treatments (when D=3), as well as Grand--Canonical Monte Carlo simulation in the case $mu=0$, for both D=2 and D=3; the obtained results showed the same kind of critical behaviour as the one known for their saturated lattice counterparts, corresponding to one particle per site. Here we addressed by Grand--Canonical Monte Carlo simulation the case where the chemical potential is negative and sufficiently large in magnitude; the value $mu=-D/2$ was chosen for each of the four previously investigated counterparts, together with $mu=-3D/4$ in an additional instance. We mostly found evidence of first order transitions, both for D=2 and D=3, and quantitatively characterized their behaviour. Comparisons are also made with recent experimental results.
Machine learning-inspired techniques have emerged as a new paradigm for analysis of phase transitions in quantum matter. In this work, we introduce a supervised learning algorithm for studying critical phenomena from measurement data, which is based on iteratively training convolutional networks of increasing complexity, and test it on the transverse field Ising chain and q=6 Potts model. At the continuous Ising transition, we identify scaling behavior in the classification accuracy, from which we infer a characteristic classification length scale. It displays a power-law divergence at the critical point, with a scaling exponent that matches with the diverging correlation length. Our algorithm correctly identifies the thermodynamic phase of the system and extracts scaling behavior from projective measurements, independently of the basis in which the measurements are performed. Furthermore, we show the classification length scale is absent for the $q=6$ Potts model, which has a first order transition and thus lacks a divergent correlation length. The main intuition underlying our finding is that, for measurement patches of sizes smaller than the correlation length, the system appears to be at the critical point, and therefore the algorithm cannot identify the phase from which the data was drawn.
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