Optical Detection of Star Formation in a Cold Dust Cloud in the Counterjet Direction of Centaurus A

Abstract in English

We identify optical emission-line features 700 (12 kpc) southwest of the nucleus of Centaurus A, roughly opposite the radio jet and well-known optical emission filaments associated with the northern radio structure. These regions are spatially associated with far-infrared emission peaks in a cold dust cloud identified using Herschel and Spitzer data, and there may be a mismatch between the low temperature of the dust and the expected heating effect of young stars. We use integral-field optical spectroscopy to trace the ratios of strong emission lines. Their ratios are consistent with photoionization in normal H II regions, by modest numbers of OB stars; they must be obscured along our line of sight. The location raises the question of whether this star-forming episode was enhanced or triggered by an outflow from the central parts of Centaurus A. Optical emission-line ratios and line widths limit the role of shocks on the gas, so any interaction with an outflow, either from the radio source or star formation in the gas-rich disk, can at most have compressed the gas weakly. We speculate that the presence of similar star-forming regions on both sides of the galaxy, contrasted with the difference in the character of the emission-line clouds, reflects the presence of a collimated radio jet to the northeast and perhaps anisotropic escape of ionizing radiation from the AGN. Star formation on the southwestern side of Cen A could be enhanced by a broad outflow, distinct from the radio jet and lobes. (abridged)
