Performance analysis of the prototype THz-driven electron gun for the AXSIS project

Abstract in English

The AXSIS project (Attosecond X-ray Science: Imaging and Spectroscopy) aims to develop a THz-driven compact X-ray source for applications e.g. in chemistry and biology by using ultrafast coherent diffraction imaging and spectroscopy. The key components of AXSIS are the THz-driven electron gun and THz-driven dielectric loaded linear accelerator as well as an inverse Compton scattering scheme for the X-rays production. This paper is focused on the prototype of the THz-driven electron gun which is capable of accelerating electrons up to tens of keV. Such a gun was manufactured and tested at the test-stand at DESY. Due to variations in gun fabrication and generation of THz-fields the gun is not exactly operated at design parameters. Extended simulations have been performed to understand the experimentally observed performance of the gun. A detailed comparison between simulations and experimental measurements is presented in this paper.
