Microscopic optical potentials including breakup effects for elastic scattering

Abstract in English

We construct a microscopic optical potential including breakup effects for elastic scattering of weakly-binding projectiles within the Glauber model, in which a nucleon-nucleus potential is derived by the $g$-matrix folding model. The derived microscopic optical potential is referred to as the eikonal potential. For $d$ scattering, the calculation with the eikonal potential reasonably reproduces the result with an exact calculation estimated by the continuum-discretized coupled-channels method. As the properties of the eikonal potential, the inaccuracy of the eikonal approximation used in the Glauber model is partially excluded. We also analyse the $^6$He scattering from $^{12}$C with the eikonal potential and show its applicability to the scattering with many-body projectiles.
