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Giant resonant nonlinear damping in nanoscale ferromagnets

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 Added by Igor Barsukov
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Magnetic damping is a key metric for emerging technologies based on magnetic nanoparticles, such as spin torque memory and high-resolution biomagnetic imaging. Despite its importance, understanding of magnetic dissipation in nanoscale ferromagnets remains elusive, and the damping is often treated as a phenomenological constant. Here we report the discovery of a giant frequency-dependent nonlinear damping that strongly alters the response of a nanoscale ferromagnet to spin torque and microwave magnetic field. This novel damping mechanism originates from three-magnon scattering that is strongly enhanced by geometric confinement of magnons in the nanomagnet. We show that the giant nonlinear damping can invert the effect of spin torque on a nanomagnet leading to a surprising current-induced enhancement of damping by an antidamping torque. Our work advances understanding of magnetic dynamics in nanoscale ferromagnets and spin torque devices.

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191 - A. T. Costa , R. B. Muniz 2015
We present a microscopic theory for magnetization relaxation in metallic ferromagnets of nanoscopic dimensions that is based on the dynamic spin response matrix in the presence of spin-orbit coupling. Our approach allows the calculation of the spin excitation damping rate even for perfectly crystalline systems, where existing microscopic approaches fail. We demonstrate that the relaxation properties are not completely determined by the transverse susceptibility alone, and that the damping rate has a non-negligible frequency dependence in experimentally relevant situations. Our results indicate that the standard Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert phenomenology is not always appropriate to describe spin dynamics of metallic nanostructure in the presence of strong spin-orbit coupling.
A quasiclassical theory of giant magnetoresistance in nanoscale point contacts between different ferromagnetic metals is developed. The contacts were sorted by three types of mutual positions of the conduction spin-subband bottoms which are shifted one against another by the exchange interaction. A model of linear domain wall has been used to account for the finite contact length. The magnetoresistance is plotted against the size of the nanocontact. In heterocontacts the magnetoresistance effect turned out to be not only negative, as usual, but can be positive as well. Relevance of the results to existing experiments on GMR in point heterocontacts is discussed.
Giant oscillations of the conductance of a superconductor - ferromagnet - superconductor Andreev interferometer are predicted. The effect is due to the resonant transmission of normal electrons through Andreev levels when the voltage $V$ applied to the ferromagnet is close to $2h_0/e$ ($h_0$ is the spin-dependant part of the electron energy). The effect of bias voltage and phase difference between the superconductors on the current and the differential conductance is presented. These efects allow a direct spectroscopy of Andreev levels in the ferromagnet.
The phenomenological equations of motion for the relaxation of ordered phases of magnetized and polarized crystal phases can be developed in close analogy with one another. For the case of magnetized systems, the driving magnetic field intensity toward relaxation was developed by Gilbert. For the case of polarized systems, the driving electric field intensity toward relaxation was developed by Khalatnikov. The transport times for relaxation into thermal equilibrium can be attributed to viscous sound wave damping via magnetostriction for the magnetic case and electrostriction for the polarization case.
We theoretically demonstrate the ability of electron beams to probe the nonlinear photonic response with nanometer spatial resolution, well beyond the capabilities of existing optical techniques. Although the interaction of electron beams with photonic modes is generally weak, the use of optical pumping produces stimulated electron-light interactions that can reach order-unity probabilities in photon-induded near field electron microscopy (PINEM). Here, we demonstrate that PINEM can locally and quantitatively probe the nonlinear optical response. Specifically, we predict a dependence of PINEM electron spectra on the sample nonlinearity that can reveal the second-harmonic (SH) response of optical materials with nanometer resolution, observed through asymmetries between electron energy losses and gains. We illustrate this concept by showing that PINEM spectra are sensitive to the SH near field of centrosymmetric structures and by finding substantial spectral asymmetries in geometries for which the linear interaction is reduced.
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