Perturbations to $mu-tau$ symmetry, lepton Number Violation and baryogenesis in left-right symmetric Model

Abstract in English

In this work, we studied baryogenesis via leptogenesis, neutrinoless double beta decay (NDBD) in the framework of LRSM where type I and type II seesaw terms arises naturally. The type I seesaw mass term is considered to be favouring $mu-tau$ symmetry, taking into account the widely studied realizations of $mu-tau$ symmetric neutrino mass models, viz. Tribimaximal Mixing (TBM), Hexagonal Mixing (HM) and Golden Ratio Mixing (GRM) respectively. The required correction to generate a non vanishing reactor mixing angle $theta_{13}$ is obtained from the perturbation matrix, type II seesaw mass term in our case. We studied the new physics contributions to NDBD and baryogenesis ignoring the left-right gauge boson mixing and the heavy-light neutrino mixing, keeping mass of the gauge bosons and scalars to be around TeV and studied the effects of the new physics contributions on the effective mass, NDBD half life and cosmological BAU and compared with the values imposed by experiments. We basically tried to find the leading order contributions to NDBD and BAU, coming from type I or type II seesaw in our work.
