Spin-glass--like aging in colloidal and granular glasses

Abstract in English

Motivated by the mean field prediction of a Gardner phase transition between a normal glass and a marginally stable glass, we investigate the off-equilibrium dynamics of three-dimensional polydisperse hard spheres, used as a model for colloidal or granular glasses. Deep inside the glass phase, we find that a sharp crossover pressure $P_{rm G}$ separates two distinct dynamical regimes. For pressure $P < P_{rm G}$, the glass behaves as a normal solid, displaying fast dynamics that quickly equilibrates within the glass free energy basin. For $P>P_{rm G}$, instead, the dynamics becomes strongly anomalous, displaying very large equilibration time scales, aging, and a constantly increasing dynamical susceptibility. The crossover at $P_{rm G}$ is strongly reminiscent of the one observed in three-dimensional spin-glasses in an external field, suggesting that the two systems could be in the same universality class, consistently with theoretical expectations.
