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Arithmetic of curves on moduli of local systems

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 Added by Junho Peter Whang
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is English

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We investigate the arithmetic of algebraic curves on coarse moduli spaces for special linear rank two local systems on surfaces with fixed boundary traces. We prove a structure theorem for morphisms from the affine line into the moduli space. We show that the set of integral points on any nondegenerate algebraic curve on the moduli space can be effectively determined.

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96 - Junho Peter Whang 2017
We establish a structure theorem for the integral points on moduli of special linear rank two local systems over surfaces, using mapping class group descent and boundedness results for systoles of local systems.
Let $p$ be a prime, let $r$ and $q$ be powers of $p$, and let $a$ and $b$ be relatively prime integers not divisible by $p$. Let $C/mathbb F_{r}(t)$ be the superelliptic curve with affine equation $y^b+x^a=t^q-t$. Let $J$ be the Jacobian of $C$. By work of Pries--Ulmer, $J$ satisfies the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture (BSD). Generalizing work of Griffon--Ulmer, we compute the $L$-function of $J$ in terms of certain Gauss sums. In addition, we estimate several arithmetic invariants of $J$ appearing in BSD, including the rank of the Mordell--Weil group $J(mathbb F_{r}(t))$, the Faltings height of $J$, and the Tamagawa numbers of $J$ in terms of the parameters $a,b,q$. For any $p$ and $r$, we show that for certain $a$ and $b$ depending only on $p$ and $r$, these Jacobians provide new examples of families of simple abelian varieties of fixed dimension and with unbounded analytic and algebraic rank as $q$ varies through powers of $p$. Under a different set of criteria on $a$ and $b$, we prove that the order of the Tate--Shafarevich group of $J$ grows quasilinearly in $q$ as $q to infty.$
129 - Bjorn Poonen 2017
This is an introduction to a probabilistic model for the arithmetic of elliptic curves, a model developed in a series of articles of the author with Bhargava, Kane, Lenstra, Park, Rains, Voight, and Wood. We discuss the theoretical evidence for the model, and we make predictions about elliptic curves based on corresponding theorems proved about the model. In particular, the model suggests that all but finitely many elliptic curves over $mathbb{Q}$ have rank $le 21$, which would imply that the rank is uniformly bounded.
142 - Martin Moeller , Don Zagier 2015
Fuchsian groups with a modular embedding have the richest arithmetic properties among non-arithmetic Fuchsian groups. But they are very rare, all known examples being related either to triangle groups or to Teichmueller curves. In Part I of this paper we study the arithmetic properties of the modular embedding and develop from scratch a theory of twisted modular forms for Fuchsian groups with a modular embedding, proving dimension formulas, coefficient growth estimates and differential equations. In Part II we provide a modular proof for an Apery-like integrality statement for solutions of Picard-Fuchs equations. We illustrate the theory on a worked example, giving explicit Fourier expansions of twisted modular forms and the equation of a Teichmueller curve in a Hilbert modular surface. In Part III we show that genus two Teichmueller curves are cut out in Hilbert modular surfaces by a product of theta derivatives. We rederive most of the known properties of those Teichmueller curves from this viewpoint, without using the theory of flat surfaces. As a consequence we give the modular embeddings for all genus two Teichmueller curves and prove that the Fourier developments of their twisted modular forms are algebraic up to one transcendental scaling constant. Moreover, we prove that Bainbridges compactification of Hilbert modular surfaces is toroidal. The strategy to compactify can be expressed using continued fractions and resembles Hirzebruchs in form, but every detail is different.
Let X and Y be curves over a finite field. In this article we explore methods to determine whether there is a rational map from Y to X by considering L-functions of certain covers of X and Y and propose a specific family of covers to address the special case of determining when X and Y are isomorphic. We also discuss an application to factoring polynomials over finite fields.
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