Electrical valley filtering in transition metal dichalcogenides

Abstract in English

This work investigates the feasibility of electrical valley filtering for holes in transition metal dichalcogenides. We look specifically into the scheme that utilizes a potential barrier to produce valley-dependent tunneling rates, and perform the study with both a k.p based analytic method and a recursive Greens function based numerical method. The study yields the transmission coefficient as a function of incident energy and transverse wave vector, for holes going through lateral quantum barriers oriented in either armchair or zigzag directions, in both homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. The main findings are the following: 1) the tunneling current valley polarization increases with increasing barrier width or height, 2) both the valley-orbit interaction and band structure warping contribute to valley-dependent tunneling, with the former contribution being manifest in structures with asymmetric potential barriers, and the latter being orientation-dependent and reaching maximum for transmission in the armchair direction, and 3) for transmission ~ 0.1, a tunneling current valley polarization of the order of 10% can be achieved.
