BSMPT - Beyond the Standard Model Phase Transitions -A Tool for the Electroweak Phase Transition in Extended Higgs Sectors

Abstract in English

We provide the C++ tool BSMPT for calculating the strength of the electroweak phase transition in extended Higgs sectors. This relies on the loop-corrected effective potential at finite temperature including daisy resummation of the bosonic masses. The program allows to compute the vacuum expectation value (VEV) $v$ of the potential as a function of the temperature, and in particular the critical VEV $v_c$ at the temperature $T_c$ where the phase transition takes place. In addition, the loop-corrected trilinear Higgs self-couplings are provided. We apply an on-shell renormalization scheme in the sense that the loop-corrected masses and mixing angles are required to be equal to their tree-level input values. This allows for efficient scans in the parameter space of the models. The models implemented so far are the CP-conserving and the CP-violating 2-Higgs-Doublet Models (2HDM) and the Next-to-Minimal 2HDM (N2HDM). The program structure is such that the user can easily implement further models. Our tool can be used for the investigation of electroweak baryogenesis in models with extended Higgs sectors and the related Higgs self-couplings. The combination with parameter scans in the respective models allows to study the impact on collider phenomenology and to make a link between collider phenomenology and cosmology. The program package can be downloaded at:
