1T-TaS$_2$ is a cluster Mott insulator on the triangular lattice with 13 Ta atoms forming a star of David cluster as the unit cell. We derive a two dimensional XXZ spin-1/2 model with four-spin ring exchange term to describe the effective low energy physics of a monolayer 1T-TaS$_2$, where the effective spin-1/2 degrees of freedom arises from the Kramers degenerate spin-orbital states on each star of David. A large scale density matrix renormalization group simulation is further performed on this effective model and we find a gapless spin liquid phase with spinon Fermi surface at moderate to large strength region of four-spin ring exchange term. All peaks in the static spin structure factor are found to be located on the $2k_F$ surface of half-filled spinon on the triangular lattice. Experiments to detect the spinon Fermi surface phase in 1T-TaS$_2$ are discussed.