Universal voltage scaling due to self-averaging of the quantum corrections in graphene

Abstract in English

The differential conductance of graphene is shown to exhibit a zero-bias anomaly at low temperatures, arising from a suppression of the quantum corrections due to weak localization and electron interactions. A simple rescaling of these data, free of any adjustable parameters, shows that this anomaly exhibits a universal, temperature- ($T$) independent form. According to this, the differential conductance is approximately constant at small voltages ($V<k_BT/e$), while at larger voltages it increases logarithmically with the applied bias, reflecting a quenching of the quantum corrections. For theoretical insight into the origins of this behavior, we formulate a model for weak-localization in the presence of nonlinear transport. According to this, the voltage applied under nonequilibrium induces unavoidable dephasing, arising from a self-averaging of the diffusing electron waves responsible for transport. By establishing the manner in which the quantum corrections are suppressed in graphene, our study will be of broad relevance to the investigation of nonequilibrium transport in mesoscopic systems in general. This includes systems implemented from conventional metals and semiconductors, as well as those realized using other two-dimensional semiconductors and topological insulators.
