Chemical Abundances of Globular Clusters in NGC 5128 (Centaurus A)

Abstract in English

We perform a detailed abundance analysis on integrated-light spectra of 20 globular clusters (GCs) in the early-type galaxy NGC 5128 (Centaurus A). The GCs were observed with X-Shooter on the VLT. The cluster sample spans a metallicity range of $-1.92 < $ [Fe/H] $< -0.13$ dex. Using theoretical isochrones we compute synthetic integrated-light spectra and iterate the individual abundances until the best fit to the observations is obtained. We measured abundances of Mg, Ca, and Ti, and find a slightly higher enhancement in NGC 5128 GCs with metallicities [Fe/H] < $-$0.75 dex, of the order of $sim$0.1 dex, than in the average values observed in the MW for GCs of the same metallicity. If this $alpha$-enhancement in the metal-poor GCs in NGC 5128 is genuine, it could hint at a chemical enrichment history different than that experienced by the MW. We also measure Na abundances in 9 out of 20 GCs. We find evidence for intra-cluster abundance variations in 6 of these clusters where we see enhanced [Na/Fe] > $+$0.25 dex. We obtain the first abundance measurements of Cr, Mn, and Ni for a sample of the GC population in NGC 5128 and find consistency with the overall trends observed in the MW, with a slight enhancement ($<$0.1 dex) in the Fe-peak abundances measured in the NGC 5128.
