In this work we derive a generalized Newtonian gravitational force and show that it can account for the anomalous galactic rotation curves. We derive the entropy-area relationship applying the Feynman-Hibbs procedure to the supersymmetric Wheeler-DeWitt equation of the Schwarzschild black hole. We obtain the modifications to the Newtonian gravitational force from the entropic formulation of gravity.
The role of torsion in quantum three-dimensional gravity is investigated by studying the partition function of the Euclidean theory in Riemann-Cartan spacetime. The entropy of the black hole with torsion is found to differ from the standard Bekenstein-Hawking result, but its form is in complete agreement with the first law of black hole thermodynamics.
We study the entropy of the black hole with torsion using the covariant form of the partition function. The regularization of infinities appearing in the semiclassical calculation is shown to be consistent with the grand canonical boundary conditions. The correct value for the black hole entropy is obtained provided the black hole manifold has two boundaries, one at infinity and one at the horizon. However, one can construct special coordinate systems, in which the entropy is effectively associated with only one of these boundaries.
We argue that the equations of motion of quantum field theories in curved backgrounds encode new fundamental black hole thermodynamic relations. We define new entropy variation relations. These `emerge through the monodromies that capture the infinitesimal changes in the black hole background produced by the field excitations. This raises the possibility of new thermodynamic relations defined as independent sums involving entropies, temperatures and angular velocities defined at every black hole horizon. We present explicit results for the sum of all horizon entropy variations for general rotating black holes, both in asymptotically at and asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes in four and higher dimensions. The expressions are universal, and in most cases add up to zero. We also find that these thermodynamic summation relations apply in theories involving multi-charge black holes.
It has been known for many years that the leading correction to the black hole entropy is a logarithmic term, which is universal and closely related to conformal anomaly. A fully consistent analysis of this issue has to take quantum backreactions to the black hole geometry into account. However, it was always unclear how to naturally derive the modified black hole metric especially from an effective action, because the problem refers to the elusive non-locality of quantum gravity. In this paper, we show that this problem can be resolved within an effective field theory (EFT) framework of quantum gravity. Our work suggests that the EFT approach provides a powerful and self-consistent tool for studying the quantum gravitational corrections to black hole geometries and thermodynamics.
Asymptotic symmetry of the Euclidean 3D gravity with torsion is described by two independent Virasoro algebras with different central charges. Elements of this boundary conformal structure are combined with Cardys formula to calculate the black hole entropy.