Photoinduced enhancement of excitonic order in the two-orbital Hubbard model

Abstract in English

Photoinduced dynamics in an excitonic insulator is studied theoretically by using a two-orbital Hubbard model on the square lattice where the excitonic phase in the ground state is characterized by the BCS-BEC crossover as a function of the interorbital Coulomb interaction. We consider the case where the order has a wave vector $Q=(0,0)$ and photoexcitation is introduced by a dipole transition. Within the mean-field approximation, we show that the excitonic order can be enhanced by the photoexcitation when the system is initially in the BEC regime of the excitonic phase, whereas it is reduced if the system is initially in the BCS regime. The origin of this difference is discussed from behaviors of momentum distribution functions and momentum-dependent excitonic pair condensation. In particular, we show that the phases of the excitonic pair condensation have an important role in determining whether the excitonic order is enhanced or not.
