Carrier-Resolved Photo Hall Measurement in World-Record-Quality Perovskite and Kesterite Solar Absorbers

Abstract in English

Majority and minority carrier properties such as type, density and mobility represent fundamental yet difficult to access parameters governing semiconductor device performance, most notably solar cells. Obtaining this information simultaneously under light illumination would unlock many critical parameters such as recombination lifetime, recombination coefficient, and diffusion length; while deeply interesting for optoelectronic devices, this goal has remained elusive. We demonstrate here a new carrier-resolved photo-Hall technique that rests on a new identity relating hole-electron mobility difference ($Deltamu$), Hall coefficient ($h$), and conductivity ($sigma$): $Deltamu=(2+dln h/dln sigma),h,sigma$, and a rotating parallel dipole line ac-field Hall system with Fourier/lock-in detection for clean Hall signal measurement. We successfully apply this technique to recent world-record-quality perovskite and kesterite films and map the results against varying light intensities, demonstrating unprecedented simultaneous access to the above-mentioned parameters.
