Stellar population of the superbubble N206 in the LMC II. Parameters of the OB and WR stars, and the total massive star feedback

Abstract in English

Clusters or associations of early-type stars are often associated with a superbubble of hot gas. The formation of such superbubbles is caused by the feedback from massive stars. The complex N206 in the Large Magellanic Cloud exhibits a superbubble and a rich massive star population. We observed these massive stars using the FLAMES multi-object spectrograph at ESO-VLT. Available UV spectra from HST, IUE, and FUSE are also used. The spectral analysis is performed with Potsdam Wolf-Rayet (PoWR) model atmospheres. We present the stellar and wind parameters of the OB stars and the two WR binaries in the N206 complex. Twelve percent of the sample show Oe/Be type emission lines, although most of them appear to rotate far below critical. We found eight runaway stars based on their radial velocity. The wind-momentum luminosity relation of our OB sample is consistent with the expectations. The HRD of the OB stars reveals a large age spread (1-30 Myr), suggesting different episodes of star formation in the complex. The youngest stars are concentrated in the inner part of the complex, while the older OB stars are scattered over outer regions. We derived the present day mass function for the entire N206 complex as well as for the cluster NGC2018. Three very massive Of stars are found to dominate the feedback among 164 OB stars in the sample. The two WR winds alone release about as much mechanical luminosity as the whole OB star sample. The cumulative mechanical feedback from all massive stellar winds is comparable to the combined mechanical energy of the supernova explosions that likely occurred in the complex. Accounting also for the WR wind and supernovae, the mechanical input over the last five Myr is ~$2.3times10^{52}$ erg, which exceeds the current energy content of the complex by more than a factor of five. The morphology of the complex suggests a leakage of hot gas from the superbubble.
