Rotation of triaxially deformed nucleus has been an interesting subject in the study of nuclear structure. In the present series of work, we investigate wobbling motion and chiral rotation by employing the microscopic framework of angular-momentum projection from cranked triaxially deformed mean-field states. In this first part the wobbling motion is studied in detail. The consequences of the three dimensional cranking are investigated. It is demonstrated that the multiple wobbling rotational bands naturally appear as a result of fully microscopic calculation. They have the characteristic properties, that are expected from the macroscopic triaxial-rotor model or the phenomenological particle-triaxial-rotor model, although quantitative agreement with the existing data is not achieved. It is also found that the excitation spectrum reflects dynamics of the angular-momentum vector in the intrinsic frame of the mean-field (transverse vs. longitudinal wobbling). The results obtained by using the Woods-Saxon potential and the schematic separable interaction are mainly discussed, while some results with the Gogny D1S interaction are also presented.