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Freezing out of a low-energy bulk spin exciton in SmB6

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 Added by Jeff E. Sonier
 Publication date 2018
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The Kondo insulator SmB6 is purported to develop into a robust topological insulator at low temperature. Yet there are several puzzling and unexplained physical properties of the insulating bulk. It has been proposed that bulk spin excitons may be the source of these anomalies and may also adversely affect the topologically-protected metallic surface states. Here, we report muon spin rotation measurements of SmB6 that show thermally-activated behavior for the temperature dependences of the transverse-field (TF) relaxation rate below 20 K and muon Knight shift below 5-6 K. Our data are consistent with the freezing out of a bulk low-energy (~ 1 meV) spin exciton concurrent with the appearance of metallic surface conductivity. Furthermore, our results support the idea that spin excitons play some role in the anomalous low-temperature bulk properties of SmB6.

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Using inelastic neutron scattering, we map a 14 meV coherent resonant mode in the topological Kondo insulator SmB6 and describe its relation to the low energy insulating band structure. The resonant intensity is confined to the X and R high symmetry points, repeating outside the first Brillouin zone and dispersing less than 2 meV, with a 5d-like magnetic form factor. We present a slave-boson treatment of the Anderson Hamiltonian with a third neighbor dominated hybridized band structure. This approach produces a spin exciton below the charge gap with features that are consistent with the observed neutron scattering. We find that maxima in the wave vector dependence of the inelastic neutron scattering indicate band inversion.
229 - N. Harrison 2018
We show that novel low temperature properties of bulk SmB6, including the sudden growth of the de Haas-van Alphen amplitude (and heat capacity) originating from the bulk at millikelvin temperatures and a previously unreported linear-in-temperature bulk electrical conductivity at liquid helium temperatures, signal the presence of a highly asymmetric nodal semimetal. We show how the highly asymmetric nodal semimetal can be the result of a topological transformation, of the type recently considered by Shen and Fu, occurring in a Kondo lattice with dispersionless f-electron levels and Sm vacancies or other lattice defects. If supported by further data experimental, the existence of a nodal semimetal would cast considerable doubt over a neutral Fermi surface being required to explain the origin of the dHvA effect SmB6.
Samarium hexaboride crystallizes in a simple cubic structure (space group #221, Pm-3m), but its properties are far from being straightforward. Initially classified as a Kondo insulator born out of its intriguing intermediate valence ground state, SmB6 has been recently predicted to be a strongly correlated topological insulator. The subsequent experimental discovery of surface states has revived the interest in SmB6, and our purpose here is to review the extensive and in many aspects perplexing experimental record of this material. We will discuss both surface and bulk properties of SmB6 with an emphasis on the role of crystal growth and sample preparation. We will also highlight the remaining mysteries and open questions in the field.
Topological insulators are materials characterized by dissipationless, spin-polarized surface states resulting from non-trivial band topologies. Recent theoretical models and experiments suggest that SmB6 is the first topological Kondo insulator, in which the topologically non-trivial band structure results from electron-electron interactions via Kondo hybridization. Here, we report that the surface conductivity of SmB6 increases systematically with bulk carbon content. Further, addition of carbon is linked to an increase in n-type carriers, larger low temperature electronic contributions to the specific heat with a characteristic temperature scale of T* = 17 K, and a broadening of the crossover to the insulating state. Additionally, X-ray absorption spectroscopy shows a change in Sm valence at the surface. Our results highlight the importance of phonon dynamics in producing a Kondo insulating state and demonstrate a correlation between the bulk thermodynamic state and low temperature resistance of SmB6.
Bulk and surface state contributions to the electrical resistance of single-crystal samples of the topological Kondo insulator compound SmB6 are investigated as a function of crystal thickness and surface charge density, the latter tuned by ionic liquid gating with electrodes patterned in a Corbino disk geometry on a single surface. By separately tuning bulk and surface conduction channels, we show conclusive evidence for a model with an insulating bulk and metallic surface states, with a crossover temperature that depends solely on the relative contributions of each conduction channel. The surface conductance, on the order of 100 e^2/h and electron-like, exhibits a field-effect mobility of 133 cm^2/V/s and a large carrier density of ~2x10^{14}/cm^2, in good agreement with recent photoemission results. With the ability to gate-modulate surface conduction by more than 25%, this approach provides promise for both fundamental and applied studies of gate-tuned devices structured on bulk crystal samples.
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